Have High Blood Pressure or Heart Problems? Avoid These 16 foods At All Costs!
Kamis, 22 September 2016
When it comes to heart disease, the way to a person's heart is most definitely through the stomach. The foods you eat and feed to your loved ones have the power to help or hinder high blood pressure This is because sodium retention is one of the major factors of high blood pressure, especially as we age. If you have or are at risk for hypertension, here are some foods you need to remove from your shopping list.
Fast Food French Fries
While many fast food chains are now frying their fries in trans fat free oil, not all of them are. Regardless, french fries still provide a large dose of fat and sodium. A medium serving of fries has about 19 grams of fat and 270 mg of sodium.
Sugary beverages like soft drinks, and fruit punch are linked to increased rates of hypertension, according to a recent study in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. And don't think you're off the hook if you drink diet, as a different study found that low-calorie sodas are associated with an increased risk as well. If bubbles are what you crave, try jazzing seltzer up with a squeeze of lemon or a dash of fruit juice for your own heart-healthy spritzer.
While some studies find that moderate drinking may decrease blood pressure, others show that even a small amount of alcohol can cause risks. A recent study from South Korea associated it with nearly double the risk of mortality in adults with hypertension. If you do drink, keep it to a minimum, having no more than one drink per day for women, one to two drinks per day for men.
Red Meats
A healthy eating plan should include only a small amount (if any) of saturated or trans-fats. Fatty foods are bad for both the heart and blood vessels. Avoid red meat and fast food along with other fats that include hydrogenated oils.
Processed Meats
Most of the blood pressure-boosting sodium in our diets actually comes from packaged and processed foods, not the salt shaker. The salty culprits should you steer clear of are bacon, sausage, bologna, hot dogs and other processed meat products. If you have blood pressure issues, opt for low-salt or salt-free meat options, like sliced turkey breast, chicken and even lean beef. If you love bacon, just make it a "special treat", not an everyday indulgence.
These are low in calories but high in sodium. One medium pickle that's about 5 inches long, can have around 570 mg of sodium. Over 1/3 of your sodium limit (2300 mg) for the day.
Foods with extra calories and full of sugar cause you to gain weight, and obesity is a significant determinant for high blood pressure. The extra weight puts surplus strain on the heart and slows down the blood flow.
Donuts may be popular, but they aren't very good for your health and body. Just one donut packs in 200 calories with 12 grams of fat.
Margarine may be made from plant oils that are naturally healthy on their own, but these oils are turned into unhealthy trans-fats during the hydrogenation process. They are subjected to extremely high temperatures and then injected with a catalyst like nickel, platinum, or aluminum to achieve the semi-solid or solid state. This process changes the molecular makeup of the oils.
Canned Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken noodle soup is often considered a comfort food, but it is not so comforting to know that there can be up to 880 mg of sodium in a one cup serving.
Canned Biscuits
While many food companies have gone trans fat free, one category where it's hard to avoid these fats are refrigerated biscuits and crescent rolls. According to a recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health, trans fats are associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure in middle-aged and older women. Even if the nutrition facts label says there's no trans fat, beware of any food that includes partially hydrogenated oil in the ingredient list as that means it still contains some trans fat. A better idea is to serve meals with whole-grain bread or dinner roll, but always check labels for sodium content. Bread is one of the highest contributors of salt to our diets.
Ramen Noodles
Ramen noodles are popular among college students, but they are not a healthy meal. One package of Ramen noodles adds 14 grams of fat to your day AND 1580 MG of sodium! It is actually the flavor packet that contains most of that sodium.
Convenience Foods Like Frozen Pot Pies
A single pot pie equals a serving of about 1300-1400 mg of sodium PLUS about 35 g of fat! Keep in mind that this is over 50% of your daily recommended values for both. The fat also includes trans fat, which you want to eliminate from your diet completely, and an unhealthy dose of saturated fat.
According to a report from the Grocery Manufacturers Association, both meat-topped and plain old cheese pizzas contribute sodium to our diets. Between the salt in the sauce, crust, cheese and add-ons like pepperoni and sausage, and the frequency that Americans eat it, pizza sends the blood pressures skyrocketing. Ease up on the meat and cheese and ask for extra veggies instead.
Like alcohol, coffee is a controversial topic when it comes to hypertension, as studies have shown a correlation between coffee drinking and an increase in blood pressure. You may want to lighten up on the lattes and try a lower-octane beverage like green tea.
Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure
Choose foods high in fiber like fruits, vegetables, peas, and beans, as well as whole-grain cereals, pasta, rice, and breads. Not all starches are equal. In general, you should choose whole-grain instead of processed starches. One guideline is to avoid white bread, potatoes, pasta, or rice. Whole-grain foods have higher nutritional value and generally leave you feeling fuller, which will also help prevent you from overeating. They are lower in calories and are good sources of vitamins and minerals.
Fruits & Veggies
Eating fruits and veggies not only help to trim your waistline, they work wonders in the fight to lower your blood pressure. Packed with potassium, they hinder the blood-pressure raising effects of sodium. Try stocking up on sweet potatoes (mashed or baked), spinach, lima beans, bananas, oranges (and orange juice!), and tomatoes.
Herbs & Spices
The next time you to boost the flavor of your favorite meals, add some herbs and spices to your dish instead or extra salt/ This will bring new and interesting flavors to your palate. Try adding basil to your salad, thyme or rosemary to your chicken breast, sage to your soups or oregano to your meats.