5 Easy Tips To Perform Yoga Without Any Instructor

YOga is extremely beneficial for your overall health and even though we know it we are quick to assume that it’s so difficult that you couldn’t possibly do it without an instructor. However, those who’ve tried it quickly realize that you can take advantage of all that yoga has to offer with a few simple poses at your very own home, without an instructor. It may be a bit difficult at first, but as every novice to the practice you’ll need time to become more flexible and strong and resilient and clam on the inside. Here are 5 simple tips which have helped me practice yoga at home and which I recommend to everyone who’d like to start on their own.

Tips To Practice Yoga At Home

1. You need to set aside a minimum of 15 minutes every day. If you just can’t find the time at first commit to doing at least Surya Namaskar(Sun Salutations) each day. When you just have time for this, don’t get discouraged, do them and go on. There will be other days when your schedule is more relaxed which is when you should extend your time into a longer practice. Sometimes finding the time for yoga is a much more challenging task than doing yoga itself.

2. Find your perfect spot in the house and make sure you have enough space to just easily put your mat down when the time for yoga comes. Decide which direction you will face on your mat, and place a candle or a small altar at the front. If you have enough space keep this space sacred and make your dedication to yoga part of your permanent living space. Or just leave a spot in your house uncluttered so that you can easily convert it into a yoga spot.

3. Find the perfect time of the day for your home yoga practice. For some it’s first thing in the morning while other prefer it after work, to unwind and relax. Whatever time works best for you just need to make it a priority and do it at that time every day.

4. Find the clothes that are the most comfortable for you. Don’t worry if you don’t have that Lululemon yoga outfit, maybe you have a comfy pair of sweats or even your pajamas can do! You don’t want any tight clothing that get in the way of your stretches.

5. Always perform your yoga poses gently with a smile and respect your body. Don’t rush into them and never go beyond what your body can take. This will not bring faster results, just the opposite, yoga will become more difficult and painful, setting you up for failure. The beauty of your home yoga practice is that you listen to your body and find the teacher within.

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