Excellent Anti-Cancer Drug More Powerful Even Ten Thousand Times From Chemotherapy!

Did you know that lemon is the most powerful anti-cancer treatment? It is estimated that lemon is ten thousand times more effective than chemotherapy

The logical question is why it is not used as treatment? Well, it is because laboratories are interested in manufacturing synthetic versions of this product because of which they make huge profits.

Lemon is a very tasty fruit that won’t cause any negative side-effects. The only problem is finding an organic source of lemons. Luckily, if you have space you can plant your own lemon tree. It doesn’t occupy a lot of space and you can consume it in several ways: you can eat the fruit, squeeze it and make juices, but the most effective treatment for cancer is just in combination with lukewarm water.

Even though it is known as an excellent source of vitamin C, lemon also contains vitamins A, B, B2, potassium, calcium, some sugar, pectin, sodium mucus, it is filled with essential oil, and it contains citric acid, phosphoric acid.

Lemon is an often choice as a home remedy for treating stomach pains, colic and constipation. When taken with hot water, it is very beneficial for the stomach health. Lemon can also reduce coughing, remove mucus, and is great for the overall health of the throat. Lemon syrup is preferred for the treatment and alleviation of the symptoms of asthma. Lemon stimulates the discharge of urine and stimulates the kidneys.

Out of all citrus fruits, lemon contains the highest concentration of citrate and inhibits the formation of kidney stones in a natural way, and is a natural antiseptic. It soothes irritation, so If you have acne, squeeze the lemon juice and gently clean the face with it. Wash afterwards with warm water.

It is also believed that it is an antimicrobial that can act against bacterial infections and fungi, and to be effective against internal parasites and bowels, to regulate the very high blood pressure and nerve disorders, and to act an antidepressant.

Still, lemon’s greatest benefit is the ability to kill cancer cells. This is because it creates an alkaline environment in which cancer cells cannot survive.

According to a research from 1970, lemon destroys malignant cancer cells in twelve types of cancer, including colon cancer, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas.

It’s been also shown that lemon is 10,000 (ten thousand) times stronger than Adiamicina, a chemotherapy drugs that should slow the growth of cancerous cells. What’s even more, lemon only targets affected cells, while leaving the healthy ones alone.

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