How To Lose Stomach Fat Overnight literally With This So Called “Fat Loss Bomb”

Nowadays overweight is very common problem and everyone is constantly looking for a quick solution for weight loss.

In this article we present you a recipe that will burn fat quickly. This is an overnight “liquid bomb” and will help you at weight loss.

This great drink is delicious and healthy at the same time and a great solution for burning the stubborn belly fat.

Overnight fat-burning liquid bomb recipe

You will need:

-A cup of grapefruit juice
-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
-1 teaspoon of honey

How to prepare it:

In a blender mix all the ingredients together until you get a smooth mixture. Drink the mixture before any meals. For best results, drink it on a daily basis before lunch and dinner. In only a week your waist size will be reduced for about a centimeter!

The drink works better than any popular weight loss tips and tricks. It will eliminate the fat and water around the waist area and will improve the brain function, vision, memory and hearing as well.

Here’s another drink that can help you lose stomach fat:

You will need these ingredients

  • -1 cucumber
  • -1 cup of sliced melon
  • -1 lemon
  • -½ tablespoon of powdered ginger
  • -1 pear

How to prepare it:

Squeeze the lemon in a blender, then add the other ingredients and mix until you get the desired consistency. Pour the smoothie in a glass and enjoy this powerful belly-fat burner.

Which are the health benefits of the ingredients?

Melon is a very popular weight loss ingredient, used in many fat-burning smoothie. You can also consume it in order to prevent sugar cravings and can reinforce the immune system.

Pears are rich in fiber, which is crucial for burning fat around the abdominal area.

The lemon is rich in vitamin C, which can improve the absorption rate and boost the metabolism.

Cucumber is another natural wonder for burning belly fat, and it will also prevent water retention in the body.

In a period of 1 week of consummation you will notice the results. This amazing fat-burning drink will help you lose weight quickly and stay slimmer.Perform the vacuum pose every day because that will help you tighten the abdominal muscles.

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