Did You Know That the Lemon peel Is Where Most of Its Nutrients are Concentrated? Discover How to Take Advantage of Them!

Did you know that lemons came to Europe thanks to the Arabs? This rounded citrus tree with leaves and aromatic flowers is what gives rise to a highly appreciated fruit such as lemon.

It was formerly used to preserve food, particularly animal meat, because of its degree of acidity that makes microorganisms that break down food can not reproduce.

With the passage of time began to be part of foods and even desserts where it brings its acid touch but at the same time with a very accepted flavor.

In addition to having these properties, lemon is a powerful astringent and has nutrients and vitamins E and those of group B, but in particular and in greater proportion has vitamins C.

Among the minerals that we can find present in the lemon we have magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium and calcium. It is very beneficial for people suffering from rheumatic problems because lemon juice dissolves the crystals and toxins that cause gout, as well as it boosts the immune system and boosts leukocyte activity.

But not all the benefits are in the pulp or the juice of the lemon, but the shell, which we usually discard, also has important benefits. And today we are going to tell you how you can take advantage of this fruit completely and enjoy everything you can do for your body.

Among its many benefits we have:

  • – Prevents cancer.
  • – It decreases the risk of stroke.
  • – Relieves inflammation.
  • – Increases immunity.
  • – Eliminates dangerous bacteria.
  • – Prevents asthma.
  • – Relieves depression and stress.
  • – It cleanses liver and kidney.

Some laboratory tests that have been done for many years suggest that frozen lemon is capable of destroying malignant cells including colon, prostate, lung and breasts. Lemon peels in particular have a huge potential to remove wastes from the body that intoxicate our body.

A medical nutritionist specializing in women’s health, Says that in the lemon peel are most of the antioxidants of this fruit and that with a shake that includes the shell we will be incorporating absolutely all the nutrients of the lemon. Surely you are wondering how you can ingest the lemon peel when we know that it has an extremely bitter taste. But today we will teach you how to take advantage of all nutrients by solving this problem.

Freeze your lemons by doing the following:

– Wash the lemons with water and baking soda or vinegar and then soak them in the same liquid for a few minutes to disinfect them completely.

– Rinse well with clean water.

– Put the lemons in the freezer and leave them all night.

– Once they are frozen, take the lemons and one by one, grate them completely (peel, pulp, seeds)

– mix well all the grated rind and place it in trays of cubes that will then refreeze.

– Whenever you want to add a touch of special flavor to your soups, salads, pastas, sauces or ice cream defrost a lemon cube and add it to your preparations.

You can also use them in infusions or juices and in this way incorporate all their nutrients. Sauces or ice cream defrost a lemon cube and add it to your preparations.
You can also use them in infusions or juices and in this way incorporate all their nutrients. Sauces or ice cream defrost a lemon cube and add it to your preparations. You can also use them in infusions or juices and in this way incorporate all their nutrients.

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