12 Signs That You're Eating Too Much Sugar
Selasa, 07 Januari 2020
from fruit juice to peanut butter, you will find sugar even in the most unexpected products. Plus a huge chunk of the population relies on canned and processed foods which does nothing but increase the sugar intake. Too much of anything results in a doom's day.
Sugar overpowering you have resulted into diabetes turning out to be a widespread disease. Hence, I am here to make you aware of the signs that your body gives you if you're eating too much sugar. Prevention is better than cure, understand these symptoms and take the appropriate measures.
Constant hunger
Your body relies on food to obtain energy, so it's normal to feel energy deprived if you haven't had anything in the past few hours. But if you have just had a meal and still your stomach rumbles, this calls for an alarming situation. High blood sugar levels prevent glucose from entering into cells because of which the body is unable to receive energy and demands for food again and again.
Increased fatigue
Do you feel you have unexplained, persistent, and relapsing exhaustion? And if yes, do you feel that too often? Well, getting tired without doing anything or feeling weak all the time, all these are symptoms of high sugar intake. Consuming too much sugar does not allow the body to store and absorb glucose properly. Hence, the cells are unable to release energy, and so you feel tired almost every time.
Dry mouth, excessive thirst
A dry mouth and strong thirst are all causes of fluid loss. In such a case the body experiences dehydration and sends signals to the brain. You, for sure, cannot control the demands of the body. So, whenever you feel damn thirsty, drink water or tea without sugar to quench your thirst.
Weight loss
One loss that makes us all happy is the loss of weight. But if you feel that you have shed pous in a short span of time and without any diet or exercise, then it's a matter of concern. Since the body is unable to utilize glucose, it starts using the fat. Another reason could be fluid loss and yet another reason could be body dumping the excess glucose because a large amount of urine at a high level of glucose makes the body spend more calories.
Infectious diseases
A large amount of sugar creates a favorable environment for the yeast and bacteria to reproduce in our body. Urinary Tract Infections (UTI's) are common in both men and women but they are found much more in women with high sugar levels.
Dry skin
Tried all the creams and moisturizers and yet there's no cure that worked for your dry skin? Well, this could be because of excessive urination which results in water loss and dry skin. Leg skin problems like narrowing and hardening of the arteries is a disease that often occurs in diabetes. One more reason can be damaged nerves that disrupt the functioning of the sweat glands which results in skin water imbalance.
Concentration problems
Till now, it is pretty clear to you all that high sugar level disrupts the process of glucose breakdown which prevents glucose from entering our brain cells. Hence, the brain faces difficulty in obtaining energy and this affects the speed of thinking and concentrating.
Blurred vision
Suddenly, do you realize that your vision has been blurry and that you have to focus hard on anything you see? High blood sugar results in dehydration which also affects the brain cells due to which they deform and this eventually results in blurry vision.
Slow healing of wounds and cuts
You got hurt like a week back and still, the wound has not healed? This calls for attention because high sugar levels can cause vascular damage. This leads to a worsening of blood circulation, especially in limbs, and insufficient nutrition of tissues.
Getting irritated with small things, experiencing anxiousness or too many mood swings - all these are repercussions of the high level of sugar intake. The brain works on the equal supply of glucose, and sharp jumps in its levels can cause irritability. Sugar also affects the absorption of another nutrient, chromium, and so you experience frequent mood swings.
Excess of sugar consumption not only affects your body adversely, but also ruins those special and precious bed times which you and your partner desired to share with each other. High sugar intake disbalances the hormonal state of the body.
Frequent urination
Do you like to rush to the washroom every 5 minutes! This happens because when you have diabetes, excess sugar (glucose) builds up in your blood. Your kidneys are forced to work overtime to filter and absorb the excess sugar.
Sugar overpowering you have resulted into diabetes turning out to be a widespread disease. Hence, I am here to make you aware of the signs that your body gives you if you're eating too much sugar. Prevention is better than cure, understand these symptoms and take the appropriate measures.
Constant hunger
Your body relies on food to obtain energy, so it's normal to feel energy deprived if you haven't had anything in the past few hours. But if you have just had a meal and still your stomach rumbles, this calls for an alarming situation. High blood sugar levels prevent glucose from entering into cells because of which the body is unable to receive energy and demands for food again and again.
Increased fatigue
Do you feel you have unexplained, persistent, and relapsing exhaustion? And if yes, do you feel that too often? Well, getting tired without doing anything or feeling weak all the time, all these are symptoms of high sugar intake. Consuming too much sugar does not allow the body to store and absorb glucose properly. Hence, the cells are unable to release energy, and so you feel tired almost every time.
Dry mouth, excessive thirst
A dry mouth and strong thirst are all causes of fluid loss. In such a case the body experiences dehydration and sends signals to the brain. You, for sure, cannot control the demands of the body. So, whenever you feel damn thirsty, drink water or tea without sugar to quench your thirst.
Weight loss
One loss that makes us all happy is the loss of weight. But if you feel that you have shed pous in a short span of time and without any diet or exercise, then it's a matter of concern. Since the body is unable to utilize glucose, it starts using the fat. Another reason could be fluid loss and yet another reason could be body dumping the excess glucose because a large amount of urine at a high level of glucose makes the body spend more calories.
Infectious diseases
A large amount of sugar creates a favorable environment for the yeast and bacteria to reproduce in our body. Urinary Tract Infections (UTI's) are common in both men and women but they are found much more in women with high sugar levels.
Dry skin
Tried all the creams and moisturizers and yet there's no cure that worked for your dry skin? Well, this could be because of excessive urination which results in water loss and dry skin. Leg skin problems like narrowing and hardening of the arteries is a disease that often occurs in diabetes. One more reason can be damaged nerves that disrupt the functioning of the sweat glands which results in skin water imbalance.
Concentration problems
Till now, it is pretty clear to you all that high sugar level disrupts the process of glucose breakdown which prevents glucose from entering our brain cells. Hence, the brain faces difficulty in obtaining energy and this affects the speed of thinking and concentrating.
Blurred vision
Suddenly, do you realize that your vision has been blurry and that you have to focus hard on anything you see? High blood sugar results in dehydration which also affects the brain cells due to which they deform and this eventually results in blurry vision.
Slow healing of wounds and cuts
You got hurt like a week back and still, the wound has not healed? This calls for attention because high sugar levels can cause vascular damage. This leads to a worsening of blood circulation, especially in limbs, and insufficient nutrition of tissues.
Getting irritated with small things, experiencing anxiousness or too many mood swings - all these are repercussions of the high level of sugar intake. The brain works on the equal supply of glucose, and sharp jumps in its levels can cause irritability. Sugar also affects the absorption of another nutrient, chromium, and so you experience frequent mood swings.
Excess of sugar consumption not only affects your body adversely, but also ruins those special and precious bed times which you and your partner desired to share with each other. High sugar intake disbalances the hormonal state of the body.
Frequent urination
Do you like to rush to the washroom every 5 minutes! This happens because when you have diabetes, excess sugar (glucose) builds up in your blood. Your kidneys are forced to work overtime to filter and absorb the excess sugar.